JeB DeeZy
So a little insight on me as a regular person, and also just a guy with a hope to make great music for a vast audience to vibe to. My artist name was formerly #Dj_JeB_DuBz. Recently I have decided to use a more classic name JeB DeeZy. My friends have been calling me that for over a decade so it feels proper. I’ve only been in the game for a little over 10 months. I have been blessed With a great team that has a humongous amount of faith in me, especially when I’m not sure about things. Twitter has been amazing!! My buddy is co owners with a NFT project Dry Koala Land Club, which also falls under an ever growing umbrella network known as “Fluxtopia”. I lost touch with him for over 6 years. A lot happened in that 6 years, but we have recently reconnected after I started to breaking out a hermit shell I had created after several life issues. He stayed on my case for 2 months straight in a relentless attempt to get me on Twitter to spread music and also non stop positive vibes. I absolutely love the entire crew of kids!!! They are amazing people!
Around this time last year the one good thing COVID brought was a check . I decided to do extensive research on the gear I could afford with that check in order to future proof myself. Also around this time last year I was diagnosed with an ailment known as chronic sinusitis. Something I have never heard of until i acquired it. I have had 1 surgery and another operation to try to fix the issue. Unfortunately it did not take. It is now pretty out of control and has made it impossible to hold a regular 9-5. Oddly enough chronic sinusitis has brought something great to the table. That is TIME!!! When I make music the onslaught of the sinusitis calms down. So since I can’t work and do not want a free ride disability check I devote a minimum of 12 hours every single day to music. I am taking on a large load , especially since prior to May 2021 I had zero experience in music . I am learning sound composition, overall music production, deejaying my own songs I produce specifically for cut work ( the art of scratching), and occasionally video edits.
To be involved in the music community, and create my own sound has been a 23 year long dream. I am now 37 and so extremely blessed to say the dream is a true reality!!!
The last thing I want to add for my first hello, and introduction to the world is this. It does not matter what you do in life, you can be successful. Be sure it’s for good, and positive movements. Be thankful for every single moment you are blessed with. For the next GEN. of music makers. It’s 2022 u can make crazy music from the palm of your hand . Wanna learn how??? Hmu on Twitter @JeBDubz with serious inquiry and I’ll point u in the direction I took. Let’s all succeed together. This journey is now underway. Praise the LORD baby LETZ GROW!!!!!
Honorable mentions for people that have helped me along the way : Jermaine Henry, Pat Jakubik. Dj Treeman, Jake Strain , Loren Lacasse , Dave LaFosse, Steve Quirk , Kyle Camyre , Natasha Girouard, my neighbors that put up with ridiculous loud music at ridiculous times : don’t be like me use your headphones lol there are a ton more , but I’ll save you for my next feature.