Sano Hill
"His songs define a timeless recipe for original guitar music: inventive, humanist lyrics sung from the gut, then embedded in rhythms to barrage or soothe the soul."
- Elizabeth Neff, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“The Climb” is a song I’ve been living with and reworking for some time. Like most of my songs, it began as a melody I carried with me for a long time, with different lyrics emerging and never quite getting to the core of what I wanted to express. It began as a song of seduction but gradually evolved into something both darker and more hopeful. The experience of the past two years was definitely a factor, trying to come to terms with the enormity of what we have been facing, including the impact of climate change, seeking meaning, understanding and hoping ultimately that we can all overcome. It may seem cliched or soppy to say but I genuinely believe love and compassion will be central to this and that’s what I try to communicate in the song.
" He is blessed with a strong and distinctive voice and in his band he has a dynamic and powerful rhythm section. His songs are immediately listenable and the robust, catchy choruses are well suited to the live setting, remaining in your ears as you're waiting for the taxi home ... A star is born"
- The Galway Advertiser