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Capital X

Capital X is an internationally known Human/Prisoners Rights Activist/Death Penalty Opponent, Hiphop Advocate/Educator/Artist and self proclaimed Voice of the Voiceless. Born in Brooklyn, New York to where both of his parents had migrated from Puerto Rico during the "Great Migration" in the 1950’s. He now resides in Marnardal, Norway where he migrated to 2010. X has a rich history within the Hip Hop culture dating back to 1977 before the culture was even structured of it’s 5 elements and before it was all called Hip Hop. 

 Capital X met the spirit of Hiphop in Patillas, Puerto Rico where his cousin was part of an Uprock crew called the Dynamite Kids. X started with Uprocking and evolved into breaking which he did till he picked up the microphone in 1982. He always had a passion to become an MC but it wasn’t till he heard “The Message” by Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five that made his life changing decision to become an MC.

 By 1883 as part of the crew Unstoppable X signed his first record contract on independent Tommy James Records located in Long Island, New York. The group was quickly put to work recording at Sabella Recording Studio in Roslyn Heights, New York. Before the group even released their first scheduled single “Dropping The Bomb” Warner Brothers Records offered to buy out their contract. A mishandling of the deal by Tommy James Records ended in a legal battle headed by Capital X and his then attorney Jeffrey E. Jacobson of JACOBSON & COLFIN. The bitter battle ended with a new record contract by the Independent A.P.I. Records based in East Hanover, New Jersey. Unfortunately after a year and half of recording and touring in preparation for their debut release the 5 year 4 album record deal ended in a breech of contract lawsuit due to the incarceration of one of the groups main figures. Capital X’s imprisonment followed shortly there after. 

 Capital X was no stranger to the criminal justice system prior to his first imprisonment. Like many of his peers he was in and out of jails and institutions beginning in his early teens. Many of his early lyrics reflected these hard times as do his current writings. Like many in New York in the 80’s X saw Hiphop as his way out but his past had a grip upon him that he credits for catapulting into becoming he is today.

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 In 1997 facing 21 years in prison Capital X was asked to help a 14 year old boy that was sentenced to 14 years in prison for first degree rape. Taurean White was the youngest prisoner in the state of North Carolina. He maintained his innocence throughout his trial and his parents and the local black community were fighting for his freedom. At first reluctant due to his own ordeal, X agreed to help in any way that he could. At the request of community leaders Capital X wrote and recorded a single that would used to raise funds for Tauean’s legal fund. The track “Ashes to Ashes” was a powerful song that spoke directly to Taurean telling him to hold strong to his faith, to keep his held high that he was not alone. Out on $100,000 bail with restrictions Capital X’s attorney asked the courts to allow him to travel to North Carolina where his mother and sister actually resided at the time. He was granted permission by the judge and what he encountered changed his life forever.

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